Scotland’s next census will be held in March 2022. This census will be a digital first census and we want to encourage as many households in Scotland as possible to complete it online. Education Scotland have created a toolkit and supporting assets to support you as you engage with your own communities, groups, partners and service users about the census. The toolkit has lots of information about the census, as well as advertising, social media and other promotional materials you can download and share. Please use the toolkit and assets to promote the census, encourage participation and answer questions.
Education Scotland colleagues are also holding sessions to give you a live demo of the online census completion website, information on the toolkit and supporting assets and the help and support available to enable people to complete the census questionnaire. There will also be time for a Q & A session at the end. Each online session will last no longer than 1 hour and you are invited to register for the relevant session by clicking on the link below.
Wednesday, 2 March 2022 |
11:00 – 12:00 |
Wednesday, 9 March 2022 |
11:00 – 12:00 |
Wednesday, 16 March 2022 |
11:00 – 12:00 |
Please forward this invitation onto other organisations you feel would benefit from the stakeholder toolkit and attending these sessions.
The Subscriber form is available as a Word document. The form is very brief and won't take much time at all.
“LLS have a very professional approach to training & Learning, which I have shared with others internally and externally.”
Elaine Webser, Scottish Language Dictionaries
“It feels good to be belong to Learning link and I look forward to other events and to making use of your materials.”
Delegate, Annual Conference
“Our vision for Scotland is for a learning nation where Scotland is not only the best place in the world to grow up in but also the best place to learn.”
Learning Link Scotland