The Scottish Government in partnership with Education Scotland and the CLD Standards Council would like to invite adults in Scotland to complete the survey to tell them about where they learn, why they learn, when they learn and how their learning experience could be improved. This information will then be used to develop the adult learning strategy for Scotland.
The results of the Adult Learning Survey will provide a snapshot of the experiences of adult learners in Scotland. It would be great if third sector adult learning is represented as the findings of the survey will contribute to the development of a new strategy for adult learning in Scotland. Please support your learners to make their voices heard!
The survey is available here: Adult Learning Survey
If you require this survey in an alternative format, please contact us at or telephone Linda Cummings on 0131 244 2329.
The survey is also available in Gaelic – Gaelic Adult Learners’ Survey
This survey is estimated to take 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
This survey will remain open until the 31 January 2020.
The Subscriber form is available as a Word document. The form is very brief and won't take much time at all.
“LLS have a very professional approach to training & Learning, which I have shared with others internally and externally.”
Elaine Webser, Scottish Language Dictionaries
“It feels good to be belong to Learning link and I look forward to other events and to making use of your materials.”
Delegate, Annual Conference
“Our vision for Scotland is for a learning nation where Scotland is not only the best place in the world to grow up in but also the best place to learn.”
Learning Link Scotland