Join Learning Link Scotland and Education Scotland for the National Numeracy CLD Network for adult learning practitioners. At this meeting we will have a presentation from National Numeracy Day on the shortened numeracy check and associated resources aimed at entry level numeracy learners. We will also have the Glasgow Science Centre talking about COP26 – Our World our Impact with a numeracy slant for the National Numeracy CLD Network.
Please register here and joining details will be sent to you prior to the meeting: Register
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“LLS have a very professional approach to training & Learning, which I have shared with others internally and externally.”
Elaine Webser, Scottish Language Dictionaries
“It feels good to be belong to Learning link and I look forward to other events and to making use of your materials.”
Delegate, Annual Conference
“Our vision for Scotland is for a learning nation where Scotland is not only the best place in the world to grow up in but also the best place to learn.”
Learning Link Scotland