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New Module: Introduction to Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice

Our colleagues at Dyslexia Scotland have just launched this introductory module, which aims to provide practitioners who work in a CLD setting (post school) with an improved awareness of what dyslexia is, its impact, how it is assessed in different contexts and how it can be supported within an inclusive learning environment. It is anticipated that the module will take between 2 – 3 hours to complete, however the length of time will be determined by a range of factors such as prior knowledge and the depth of learning undertaken.

The module has been developed and written by a collaborative partnership between Education Scotland, Dyslexia Scotland and the CLD Standards Council Scotland with support from the Specific Learning Difficulties Forum.  Please click the link below to access this course on the Open University website.  It is available to anyone to complete and is free of charge.

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“LLS have a very professional approach to training & Learning, which I have shared with others internally and externally.”
Elaine Webser, Scottish Language Dictionaries

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Delegate, Annual Conference

“Our vision for Scotland is for a learning nation where Scotland is not only the best place in the world to grow up in but also the best place to learn.”
Learning Link Scotland