The Community Learning and Development (CLD) sector and its partners across Scotland are helping to secure better outcomes for individuals most marginalised or socially isolated during and since the pandemic, His Majesty’s Inspectors have found.
HM Inspectors carried out a thematic review of community development practice in response to COVID-19 and visited CLD settings, from national, to local and third sector organisations. HM Inspectors have now published their report ‘Responsive, supportive and resilient communities: A review of community development during the pandemic’, which outlines their findings.
Gayle Gorman, His Majesty’s Chief Inspector and Chief Executive of Education Scotland said: “The past two years have been extremely challenging for all but for those most marginalised or socially isolated the hard work of the CLD sector has been a lifeline and I am encouraged by what HM Inspectors found during their visits.
“A number of key strengths and examples of strong practice across the CLD sector have been identified and are included in this report. I know there remains more to be done across CLD partnerships and I hope this report can be a useful guide in helping drive that work forward and to encourage more collaboration.”
The report highlights emerging key features of highly effective community development practice and identifies aspects for improvement in community response, volunteering, partnership working, digital access and workforce development.
This CLD report is one of a series of national thematic reviews by HM Inspectors highlighting current practice through the pandemic. The scope of the activities undertaken as part of this review provides evidence, gathered through observing practice first hand across the country.
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