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Campaign for Learning 7th October – 3rd November 2024 – New Campaign!

Campaign for Learning launched a new campaign on Monday, 7 October 2024, to raise awareness about and inspire parental engagement in learning.

Campaign for Learning with the National Centre for Family Learning will launch the campaign: Parent Powered Learning. A new film, made with the Media Trust entitled, ‘It’s You’ will help carry these key messages: 

  • A parent is their child’s first teacher and best coach.
  • What parents and families do make a real difference  
  • Parents and carers play crucial roles in shaping their child’s success and should be valued as equal partners in their learning.

Why does this matter? 

If all children and young people are to become brilliant, motivated, and creative learners and thinkers, then parental and family engagement in learning is key. Parents are a child’s first teacher. But many parents don’t realise their importance and the difference they can make. At age 7, parents have six times the influence of schools, which is unsurprising when 80% of children’s waking hours are spent outside school. This drives a detrimental attainment gap, where reception-age children from lower socio-economic backgrounds are 4.6 months behind their better-off peers.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

We want all parents and carers to know how much they matter to their child’s learning and feel motivated and confident to engage. This campaign will help drive this change. 

What you can find on the website 

On the Parent Powered Learning website, there are two hubs, one for parents and one for practitioners.

You will have access to a new resource for parents called Parent Powered Learning: great ways to help your children learn. There is also a new resource for family learning practitioners called Parental and family engagement in learning: a guide to help you explore and develop your practice. We also have videos, a reading list, and information about the film.

A social media toolkit, including social cards, can be found in the practitioner hub. You will also find in the social media toolkit ways to share your family learning success stories with the community.

  • Education Scotland – New Learning for Sustainability (LfS) themed page

We are pleased to inform you that the Learning for Sustainability (LfS) themed page on the Education Scotland website is now live.

The page is designed to support practitioners by showcasing what LfS is, through the voices of learners and practitioners. It offers advice and guidance, signposts to professional learning opportunities, and shares inspiring stories from across Scotland. As we continue to grow this resource, more practice examples will be added in due course. We would love to hear from you if you know of further examples that could inspire others across the LfS community.

If you’re short on time, we recommend watching the three short videos on the themed page: “We’re aw fae somewhere”, “We do get muddy carpets, but the mud dries”, and “We grow together, we connect together”. These provide a powerful insight into LfS in action.

You can explore the themed page here: Learning for Sustainability Landing Page, and the specific sections on advice and guidanceprofessional learning, and sharing practice.





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“LLS have a very professional approach to training & Learning, which I have shared with others internally and externally.”
Elaine Webser, Scottish Language Dictionaries

“It feels good to be belong to Learning link and I look forward to other events and to making use of your materials.”
Delegate, Annual Conference

“Our vision for Scotland is for a learning nation where Scotland is not only the best place in the world to grow up in but also the best place to learn.”
Learning Link Scotland