Board of Directors

Learning Link Scotland is governed by a board of directors recruited from the field of adult learning and voted in annually at our annual general meeting. Learning Link Scotland is governed by a board of directors recruited from the field of adult learning and voted in annually at our annual general meeting. Each year we present the audited accounts to members for approval. Please use the following link for a copy of our most recent accounts: Financial Statement for March 2023

Sarah Burton, Chair

Over the course of her career to date, Sarah brings to Learning Link Scotland the experience and knowledge gleaned from many roles in the public sector (health), the private sector (large utility organisations), self-employment, and the third sector. She also has previous non-executive experience. In her 12 years of third sector experience, Sarah’s roles have been in the learning/education sphere with a focus on disabled people, unpaid carers, and young people with learning disabilities. Having worked her way up from an entry level role in the sector, in her current substantive role Sarah offers her organisation strategic and operational business leadership and management.

Lisa Bradley, Vice-Chair

Kevin Brosnan, Director

Having left school at 16 with very few qualifications, I still find it somewhat amazing that I have now been an educator in FE/HE for over 30 years working with adult learners in a variety of roles.  Since 2000 I have worked at the University of Stirling where I currently lead the Teaching Qualification Further Education course (TQFE) aimed at college lecturers.  Through the TQFE I am privileged to work with the next generation of college lecturers and can see, first hand, the positive impact they have on their learners and their local communities.   Prior to leading the TQFE course I was Programme Director for Stirling’s ‘Access to Degree Studies Programme’ a part-time course offering adult learners a stepping stone to degree level study.   As part of this role, I worked with many students who grasped the opportunities the Access course provided with both hands and who proved inspirational in their love of learning and determination.  I am proud to say that I regularly bump into ex-students around Stirling who stop me to tell me how they are getting on and how the Access course has made a difference to their lives.  I think it is crucial that we do all we can to support adult learning in all its variety and so I am pleased to be involved with LLS. 

Bechaela Walker, Director

Bechaela is a Course & Project Team Leader at the Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) where she coordinates literacies provision for adult learners across Scotland using online, in-person and blended approaches. She has a particular interest in working-class literature from Scotland and around the world and in exploring ways to support literacies learning through creative writing. As a member of the Learning Link team, she’s committed to supporting the sector to continue to provide quality learning opportunities to as many adult community learners as possible.

Pam Maxwell, Director

I trained to teach Primary school children.  After a career break to bring up my family, I signed on and was offered a job going round schools to teach children to Keep Clydebank Tidy.  This was followed by Dyslexia training and becoming a volunteer tutor for Dyslexia Scotwest.  I then received training from Lead Scotland to help disabled students to use computers.  This led to paid employment in adult literacy.  I also became a Director for Lead.
Having served on the Co-op Area Committee and the Co-op Council, I was voted onto the Board of Governors of the Co-op College and oversaw its transition to a CIO.  I have also been a Trustee for the Scottish Community Development Network.
Other interests have been the Vice Chair of North Ayrshire’s Childrens’ Panel Advisory Committee, the Social Work Complaints Committee and the North Ayrshire Fair Trade Zone Group.
Amy Cox, Director
Asma Abdalla, Director
Unyimeobong Matthews, Director
Janet Napthine, Treasurer

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“LLS have a very professional approach to training & Learning, which I have shared with others internally and externally.”
Elaine Webser, Scottish Language Dictionaries

“It feels good to be belong to Learning link and I look forward to other events and to making use of your materials.”
Delegate, Annual Conference

“Our vision for Scotland is for a learning nation where Scotland is not only the best place in the world to grow up in but also the best place to learn.”
Learning Link Scotland